
Ma van Hálaadás ~ ANGOL Szókincs

Ma van Hálaadás napja, ami az Egyesült Államokban ünnep. Nézzük, honnan ered! A legfontosabb szokásokat ebben a korábbi cikkünkben is részletezzük, kezdő-középhaladó szinten.


Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November every year. It is a federal holiday, so schools, banks, post offices, and government offices are closed.

Thanksgiving was the first holiday celebrated in America. It was first celebrated in the autumn of 1621 when the Wampanoag Indians and the pilgrims got together for a three-day feast and festival of fun.

Today, families celebrate Thanksgiving by eating turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, yams, corn, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and an NFL football game are special Thanksgiving Day events.

The coming friday is called Black Friday. People are on holiday on this friday too, and go shopping, because big sales are offered on this day.

  • Thanksgiving - Hálaadás
  • federal holiday - állami ünnepnap
  • government offices - hivatalok
  • is celebrated - ünneplik
  • pilgrim - telepes
  • feast - ünnep
  • mashed potatoes - krumplipüré
  • gravy - mártás
  • yam - jamgyökér
  • corn - kukorica
  • cranberry - áfonya
  • pumpkin - sütőtök
  • big sales are offered - nagy kedvezményeket kínálnak

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