
Passzív szerkezet: Story of Coca Cola ~ ANGOL nyelvtan

Gyakoroljuk még egy kicsit a passzív szerkezetet! A leírását a tegnapi bejegyzésünkben találod.
A mai cikkben pedig jöjjön egy érdekes kis szöveg a kóláról, sok-sok adattal, kérdésekkel. A passzív szerkezet gyakorlásához kiváló! A szint most középhaladó, és hamarosan érkezik egy tesztet haladóknak is.
Az Angol Feladattárban pedig komplett gyakorló feladatsort találsz, itt. Ha nincs még Tanulóbérleted, itt tudsz kérni.

Coca-Cola: The Business

Coca-Cola is known all over the world. 1.6 billion gallons are sold every year in over one hundred and sixty countries. Dr John Pemberton had invented the drink in Atlanta, on 8. May 1886, but the name was given by his partner, Frank Robinson. In the first year only nine drinks a day were sold. A man called Asa Candler bought the business  in 1888, and opened a factory in Dallas, Texas, in 1895. Coca-Cola is still made there.

They have produced billions of bottles and cans since 1895. Diet Coke has been made since 1982, and over the years they have used many smart advertisements to sell the product. It is sure that Coca-Cola will be drunk far into the twenty-first century

Válaszolj a kérdésekre passzív mondatokkal! 
  • How much Coca-Cola is sold in the world every year?
  • In how many countries can you buy coca-cola?
  • Who invented the drink?
  • Who was the name of it given by?
  • How many drinks were sold in the first year?
  • Who bought the business in 1888?
  • When and where was his factory opened?
  • Where is Coca-Cola made now?
  • How much Coca-Cola has been produced since then?
  • Since when has Diet Coke been made?
  • What has been used over the years to sell the product?
  • What is sure about the future of Coca-Cola?


  • 1.6 billion gallons are sold...
  • it is sold in more than 160 countries
  • it was invented by Dr. John Pemberton
  • it was given by Frank Robinson
  • 9 drinks a day were sold
  • it was bought by Asa Candler
  • it was opened in Dallas, 1895
  • it is made still there
  • billions of bottles have been produced since then
  • it has been made since 1982
  • many smart advertisments have been used
  • it will be drunk for far

by: Szigetfalvi Andi

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