
Marriage as an institution ~ ANGOL Érvelés

Szituációs, érveléses feladat, angol középfokú nyelvvizsgára!
Nyelvtanulási tipp: gondold ki a véleményedet, és mondd el hangosan, vagy írd le fogalmazás formájában a megadott kifejezések segítségével! 

Is the marriage as an instiution outdated?

  • These days it is unreasonable to believe in an ideal that people love each other for a lifetime (this is constantly projected by the media) so the expectations of marriage are simply outdated. While centuries ago divorce was simply not an option, today more stress is placed on the happiness of individuals so people are less willing to live in an unhappy relationship.
  • As life expectancy grows and people live longer, they want more from life than just one serious relationship.
  • If people just live together, they might fight more for each other than in a marriage where the partners take each other for granted.
  • Co-habitation is very practical because if the relationship doesn’t work, they don’t have to go through very painful legal proceedings to get divorced. If the marriage is an unsuccessful one, the child may actually suffer more than in a less traditional family (one-parent family or parents just co-habiting). If the parents break up, the child may have to suffer more as it is harder to get a divorce than just move out.
  • Even though the traditional family model is changing, society still respects marriage most as this provides the most stability for children, too.
  • Marriage statistics show that 1 out of 3 marriages are re-marriages. While divorce statistics may be high, there is still faith in marriage. Just because some marriages fail, we should still hold onto our ideals of marriage.
  • If a relationship is committed and loving, there should be proof for it, especially if the couple wants children too.
  • As marriage is a legal contract, it may make people more serious about their relationship: if they have problems, they will work at them and not just run away. Also, they might feel safer, knowing that their rights are somehow protected by law.

***Részletesebb formában, szókincslistával és feladatokkal keresd a hamarosan megjelenő online Chance Nyelvoktató Magazin 2015 októberi számában! 
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by: Szigetfalvi Andi
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