Hogy zajlik egy esküvő külföldön? Rövid cikk a lényeges elemekkel, kifejezésekkel. Nyelvvizsgára hasznos, és most szezon is van :)
Wedding in Britain

Next in the big day is the reception, which is often a formal lunch in a hotel. After lunch there are various speeches. The bride's father normally gives a speech, then the best man gives a speech (which is often a funny speech designed to embarrass the groom), and the bridegroom and / or the bride give a short speech to thank their guests. Some couples also arrange an evening reception, and hire a disco or band to play music for their friends.
At the end of the day, the happy couple traditionally leave on honeymoon.
wedding dress with a train - menyasszonyi ruha uszállyal
veil - fátyol
bouquet of flowers - csokor
priest - pap
Wedding March - nászinduló
service - szertartás
if there are any objections to the marriage - ha van bármi akadálya a házasságnak
exchange rings - gyűrűt cserélnek
sign the marriage register - aláírják a házassági oklevelet
throw confetti our rice - konfettit, vagy rizst szórnak
reception - fogadás
speech - beszéd
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