A gazdasági, üzleti nyelvvizsgákon nagyon gyakran felmerülő téma, hiszen nagyon sok területen érzékeltette / érzékelteti a hatását, így több témakörben is hivatkozunk rá - ezért nem árt tisztázni, röviden összefoglalni a lényegét. Lássuk!
A gazdasági válsághoz kapcsolódó komplett tananyagot
találsz az Angol Feladattárban, itt, haladó szinten.
Ha még nincs tanulóbérleted, itt tudsz kérni.
- What does it mean?
In 2008 the great economic crisis led to a recession of the economies around the world. What began as a credit crisis turned out to be the biggest banking crisis since the Great Depression. Although the implications of the crisis are most severe in the USA, banks and insurance companies all over the world have collapsed and governments have come to the rescue by lending them money.
- Causes of the crisis
There are many reasons for the crisis (source: Financial Times):
Governments, especially the American government, did not control the banking sector enough and let the banks give loans to people without asking for securities.
Many companies, banks and firms have become too greedy and wanted to make a lot of quick money.
Since the 1970s too many goods and services have been produced.
- Solution?
Governments around the world tried to help banks that were stuck with bad assets. They tried to make banks credible again. Many big companies, like Lehman brothers had to declare bankruptcy but other investment giants, like the American International Group (AIG), the world’s largest insurance company, were rescued by the American government.
Central banks were lowering their interest rates so that lending and borrowing money will become cheaper again.
led to a recession - recesszióhoz vezetett
turned out - vmivé fordult
implications - okozói
collapsed - megsemmisült
rescue - megmenteni
lend money - pénzt kölcsönözni
reasons for - okai vminek
asking for securities - biztosítékokat kérni
credible - hitelképes
declare bankruptcy - csődöt jelenteni
interest rates - kamatlábak
by: Szigetfalvi Andrea
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