
Christmas in the world ~ ANGOL Szókincs

Hamarosan itt a Karácsony! Nézzük, hogyan ünneplik a világ más tájain, hiszen mindenhol kicsit mások a szokások. Holnap folytatjuk a témát, kiegészítős feladattal.

In Australia, December 25 falls during summer vacation, so many of the country's Christmas festivities take place outdoors. The most popular event of the Christmas season is called Carols by Candlelight. People come together at night to light candles and sing Christmas carols outside. The stars shining above add to the sights and sounds of this wonderful outdoor concert.

German families prepare for Christmas throughout cold December. Four Sundays before Christmas, they make an Advent wreath of fir or pine branches that has four colored candles. They light a candle on the wreath each Sunday, sing Christmas songs, and eat Christmas cookies. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, homes are filled with the delightful smells of baking loaves of sweet bread, cakes filled with candied fruits, and spicy cookies called lebkuchen.

In Sweden, the Christmas festivities begin on December 13 with St. Lucia's Day, which celebrates the patron saint of light. The eldest daughter gets up before dawn and dresses as the "Queen of Light" in a long white dress. She wears a crown of leaves sometimes with candles. Singing "Santa Lucia," the Lucia Queen goes to every bedroom to serve coffee and treats to each member of the family. The younger children in the family help, too. The whole family helps to select the Christmas tree just a day or two before Christmas.

take place outdoors - kint zajlik
during - vmi alatt (időben)
candlelight - gyertyafény
Advent wreath - adventi koszorú
dawn - hajnal
leaves - levelek
serve - feszolgál
treats - édességek

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Andi a magazin főszerkesztője, valamint angol tananyagokat készít, és ő tervezi meg a különböző ajánlatainkat, valamint vele találkozhatsz, ha e-mailben keresel minket. Többnyire ő a 'kitalálóember' a csapatban.

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