A stressz manapság gyakran előforduló jelenség, ami akár komoly betegséghez is vezethet. Gyakori téma a munkahelyen, vagy akár orvosnál, és a nyelvvizsgákon is szóba kerülhet.
Nézzük, hogy angolul hogyan tudunk beszélni róla röviden, és mit tudunk tenni ellene.
Stress is a feeling we have when we react to events that don’t make us feel very good. Such events can happen at school, like a test or examination, at your office, like getting a new boss or in your private life, like a divorce. Stress can also be long term, like preparing for a difficult exam or having private problems with your parents, teachers or friends. It can happen when you work too much and don’t have the time to relax.
Nézzük, hogy angolul hogyan tudunk beszélni róla röviden, és mit tudunk tenni ellene.
Stress is a feeling we have when we react to events that don’t make us feel very good. Such events can happen at school, like a test or examination, at your office, like getting a new boss or in your private life, like a divorce. Stress can also be long term, like preparing for a difficult exam or having private problems with your parents, teachers or friends. It can happen when you work too much and don’t have the time to relax.
- panic attacks
- feeling of constant pressure
- quickly changes of moods
- stomach problems, headaches
- sleeping problems
- depression
How to keep stress under control?
Managing stress is not an easy thing to do, but there are some tips:
- Don’t think you can do everything. Concentrate on the things that are important
- Be realistic. Don’t try to be perfect!
- Sleep enough! It helps your body relax!
- Learn simple breathing exercises and use them in stressful situations
- Relax!
- Get enough exercise, go for long walks or a run!
- Eat healthy, enough vitamins are important.
- Try to think positively!
- Solve small problems. It gives you confidence and you can manage bigger problems better.
react to events - reagálni az eseményekre
long term - hosszútávú
sign - jel
constant pressure - állandó nyomás
moods - hangulatok
stomach problems - gyomorproblémák
keep under control - ellenőrzés alatt tartani
concentrate on - koncentrálni valamire
breathing exercises - légzőgyakorlatok
solve problems - problémákat megoldani
confidence - határozottság
by: Szigetfalvi Andi
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