
15. of September: International Day of Democracy ~ ANGOL Hallásértés

Tudtad, hogy ma van a Demokrácia napja?  Nézzünk is egy cikket és egy kis listening feladatot ezzel kapcsoaltban... Itt tudod meghallgatni a szöveget. 

The International Day of Democracy ____________________. The United Nations General Assembly decided to have a special day ____________________ of living in a democracy. They chose September 15th as that day and invited every country and member organization ____________________ benefits of democracy. The U.N. declared there was no single model of democracy. A resolution said all democracies ____________________ “and that democracy does not belong to any country or region”. The U.N. said: “Democracy is a universal ____________________ freely-expressed will of people to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems, and their full participation ____________________.”

The International Day of Democracy website claims democracies ____________________ advantages for their citizens. The main one is to ensure people’s basic freedoms. “In a democracy, people are able to think, say and do what they wish ____________________ with respect for others, to practice their beliefs and to ____________________ they choose.” Another advantage is that a democracy meets popular needs. The more influence ____________________ over their government, the more likely government will meet their basic needs. The website says democracies ____________________ and are free from discrimination. It does say many of the world’s democracies fall ____________________ this. There is perhaps no country that has true equality.

***Részletesebb formában, szókincslistával, feladatokkal, megoldással keresd a hamarosan megjelenő online Chance Nyelvoktató Magazin 2015 októberi számában! 
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by: Szigetfalvi Andi
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About Andi

Andi a magazin főszerkesztője, valamint angol tananyagokat készít, és ő tervezi meg a különböző ajánlatainkat, valamint vele találkozhatsz, ha e-mailben keresel minket. Többnyire ő a 'kitalálóember' a csapatban.

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