
Everyhting about Advent ~ ANGOL Szókincs

A hétvégén megkezdődik az adventi időszak, mindannyian készülünk a Karácsonyra. Nézzük, hogy honnan ered az Advent, és hogyan alakultak ki a mai szokások. A hasznos szókincset megtalálod a szószedetben!


Advent is a four-week holiday leading up to the Feast of the Nativity, Christmas. The earliest possible beginnings date is 27. Novevember, like this year.

While Advent is perhaps best known today for calendars with chocolate treats behind little doors, its rich history stretches back more than 1600 years. This time has long prepared Christians to celebrate the coming of God to Earth. Originally, Christians fasted and prayed during this season to prepare for the “Christ-mass.” But the timing of Advent was not routine until after Roman Emperor Constantine commemorated December 25 as Christ’s birthday during the fourth century.

Today, fasting has gone out of vogue for much of the Western church, but each of the four weeks leading up to Christmas continues to have a special meaning. Hope, peace, joy, and love are the most common themes. Every Sunday, a new advent candle is lit on an evergreen wreath to symbolize God’s everlasting love, and worshippers pray.
Royal purple has been the candle color since the late 13th century to symbolize Christ, the coming King. On the third Sunday, a pink candle is often used to remember Mary. A final fifth candle, usually white to symbolize Christ’s purity, is lit for the night Christ was born.

Advent calendars are actually quite similar. They first emerged in the mid-1800s as another tool to focus on the reason for the season. Before paper became readily available, many families used small candles or even blocks, later, calendar doors opened to Bible verses that tell the Christmas story.

purple - lila
Feast of the Nativity - Krisztus születéésnek ünnepe
best known for... - leginkáb ... ismert
stretches back - nyúlik vissza
coming of God to Earth - Isten eljövetele a földre
fasted and prayed - böjtöltek és imádkoztak
has gone out of vogue - kiment a divatból
advent candle is lit on - meggyújták az adventi gyertyát
evergreen wreath - örökzöld koszorú
worshippers - hívek
purity - tisztaság
emerged in - megjelent

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About Andi

Andi a magazin főszerkesztője, valamint angol tananyagokat készít, és ő tervezi meg a különböző ajánlatainkat, valamint vele találkozhatsz, ha e-mailben keresel minket. Többnyire ő a 'kitalálóember' a csapatban.

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